

Thursday, March 6, 2014

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Two more deserving Friday certificate winners
 Paige and Callum

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These are our thinking faces. We do lots of thinking and wondering in this class.

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We started our measurement unit off by drawing ourselves, then measuring ourselves with the help of a friend.

The next task was to double all of our measurements so we could make a giant version of ourselves. We worked in groups for this and chose the measurements from one person to use.

We then went about drawing the giant version onto paper. We couldn't believe how big they were going to turn out.

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Taonga is more than just money, gold or jewels. it is the unique native and special animals, insects, plants, places, people and traditions that are a part of our world.
Some of us brought our special family and personal taonga to school to share with our class.

The boys were exploring PicCollage. How could we use this in our classroom to show our learning?

We love helping in our classroom. The best job is cleaning the teacher's table!