We have spent the last three days outside of the classroom having lots of fun and trying out new things.

We have played Mini Putt, Golf, walked to Cook's Cove in Tolaga Bay, tried archery, had a go at Waka Ama, played bowls and spent the afternoon at the Olympic Pools.

What were the highlights for you over the last three days?
EOTC was so fun. it was the best three days i have ever had. we would not of been able to do it with out our parent help. thank you parents for all the help!
I wish I could do it again
having fun rebecca i hope you enjoyed the FUN [:
i wish i could do it next year to [= the years sixs are going on camp on monday hope you have fun[:!
cool guys cant wait to do that next year!!! LOOKS FUN!
EOTC. taht was a very cool three days out side the classroom. first cooks cove walk,m then mini putt and golf then olympic pools and then archery, bolws and woka armer. three very good days
It was really fun. thank you Mrs MacVay for arranging this wonderful three days and I think it was the best thing I have done all year.
that looks so cool that even i wanted to go to eotc with you guys.
WOW!!! i can't wait to do all that when i'm a year five.
I liked waka arma golf cooks cove walk. Thank you Mc Mcvey and parents.
eotc was so fun i liked mini put the most and atchiry.
that was awsome thanx to all the parents who helped us and all the teachers who help plan this[=
hi this ethan a i hope you guy had a great time p.s i can't wait to do that when i'm a year 5
Wow! I really enjoyed EOTC! My favourite activity was Archery. Adam was the person who was doing something extarordinary. He was climbing one of the rocks in the "Big hole in the rock" and when the wind blew his hat flew off! So he had to go and get! Twice!!! I really appreciate all of the transport that the grow-ups gave us. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't of gone on EOTC! So Thanks million!
i loved EOTC it was the best days i think i ever had but Apart from when we went on the bus and i nerley spued thanx to all who helped [=
eotc was cool I wish i could do it again all the best for the year 5s next year
from toby
E.O.C.T rocks
the year fours are so going to love
e.o.c.t next year. You can see my arm on the pool floaty.
e.o.t.c. was so fun but my faviourt thing was achery and waka ama.
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